Babies Heal their Mothers
Enjoy the benefits of chiropractic - the largest natural, drug-free, surgery-free, expressive healthcare system in the world.
More and more families are discovering that periodic chiropractic checkups and adjustments promote health and healing without drugs and dangerous medical treatments.
More and more people are turning away from symptom treatment and choosing natural ways of achieving and maintaining health.
Tired of taking drugs and the medical runaround? Welcome to the world of chiropractic - discover how natural health can be.
There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. -Albert Einstein
Babies Heal their Mothers
The birth of a child is miraculous; there are miracles we are discovering from that miracle. A more recently discovered "miracle" the discovery that the unborn baby can help the mother heal while the mother is growing the baby inside her. This win-win relationship has been named "mother-fetal microchimerism".
This is how it works: during pregnancy, cells from the fetus cross the placenta and enter the mother's body. These cells become part of her breast, thyroid, brain, lung, thymus and other tissues and will remain there for decades. The baby leaves a permanent imprint on the mother.
This occurs with every child, even if a baby is still-born, or if the mother has an abortion, those baby's cells are still in her.
Benefits to the mother benefit to the baby
Baby's cells were identified in healed cesarean section scars which indicates that the baby participates in the mother's wound healing.
It's more than just wound repair. If a mother's heart is injured, for example. fetal stem cells will rush to the injury site and transform into different types of cells that specialize in repairing the heart. The child helps the mot her repair, while the mother builds the child. Obviously, mother-fetal microchimerism is good for both the baby and the mother.
Some fetal cells have stem-like properties that may allow them to provide maternal benefits...We predict that microchimerism should be associated with enhanced maternal health where there is potential for the fetus to enhance maternal health at low or no cost to itself, such as in the transmission of fetal stem cells that might provide a benefit for somatic maintenance (i.e., maternal tissue repair or replenishing stem cell niches). (1)
This may be the reason why some diseases fade away during pregnancy.
When a mother says they feel like, "my children are still a part of me," long after they've been born
What is Chiropractic?
Each year millions of people are enjoying the most popular natural, drug-free health care system in the world - chiropractic! Chiropractic helps people function closer to their physical and emotional best, recover from sickness, disease, and disability faster and minimize the use of drugs and surgery in their lives! Many chiropractic users report less stress more vitality and more enjoyment in life!
Chiropractic is a system of health care that releases a serious stress from your body: the subluxation. A subluxation is an often painless, tiny, structural distortion that can affect your nerves, muscles, internal organs, discs, bones, brain function, posture, and overall health.
Subluxations are caused by stress of all kinds: poor posture, accidents, sitting or working in the same position for long periods, sports, emotional pain, toxins, poor nutrition, and gravity (it's always pulling you down).
Adults can carry subluxations in their bodies that were originally caused by a stressful birth or a childhood fall. Unless they have a chiropractic checkup these long-standing subluxations may never be corrected.
Your discs love movement.
To keep your spinal discs healthy, you need movement! You've got 23 of these spinal discs that function as "shock absorbers" in your spine. With your every step they absorb the forces of gravity and cushion the pounding coming from living on this world. (Those living without gravity can skip this section).
Your discs also add to your height - that's why you are taller in the morning (they puff up a bit) than in the evening (after a day of gravity). Astronauts actually gain height as they live in the weightlessness of space. They also lose muscle and bone mass unless they've exercised in the spaceship. Exercise is good for all your muscles and bones as well as your discs when you are on earth too!
Your discs also create the spinal curves in your neck and lower back (referred to as your lordotic curve), and mid-back (your kyphotic curve). If your curves aren't properly curvy, your spine is weaker and unnatural pressure will stress your discs and that could cause disc problems - so make sure your spine is properly aligned with a chiropractic check-up. If needed a painless, adjustment will release stress on your discs, your spine, and your entire body structure.
Did you know?
Robert Louis Stevenson, suffering from advanced tuberculosis, wrote his 60,000-word novel, Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde in six days.
The bulk of the money made by movies theatres comes from selling snacks, not showing films.
M & Ms are named after their creators: Mars and Murrie
Maine is also the only state that has a single syllable name.
Seven percent of American adults think chocolate milk comes from brown cows (spoiler: it does not).
Questions and Answers
Q. Is chiropractic safe for a pregnant woman?
A. Absolutely! Keeping your spine free from subluxations is one of the best things you can do if you are pregnant. If there's one group of people who need chiropractic ccheckups more than any other, it's pregnant women.
Pregnant women are taking more responsibility for their bodies: reading more, asking more questions, eating better, exercising more and exploring ways of optimizing health.
Chiropractic care should be considered an essential part of the pregnant woman's
health care regimen. Woman are recommended to have chiropractic care throughout
their entire pregnancy. With has less stress on the baby and the mother. Patients have even received adjustments during labor. There are reported cases of a chiropractor called in to perform a spinal adjustment when labor had stopped. Immediately after the adjustment labor resumed normally. (2)
Be careful of the test's obstetricians want to do. The renown pediatrician Robert Mendelsohn, MD writes:
Invasive diagnostic procedures also have the potential to cause damage and should beavoided if possible. Stay away from X-rays, diagnostic ultrasound, doctor prescribed medication, and every other form of dangerous obstetrical intervention. (3)
Dr. Mendelsohn was an advocate for chiropractic care. He understood many of the benefits of chiropractic and was especially glad that chiropractic care for pregnany carries no side effects, only good effects for mother and baby.
Traditional Eating
The risks associated with consuming unfermented soy products are substantial.
Edamame and soymilk can lead to serious hormonal imbalances, and even a baby's regular soy formula is equivalent to them taking five birth control pills in each bottle. In an experiment conducted in Brazil, rats which were given soy milk with and without the pesticide glyphosate both experienced endocrine disruption, such as decreased testosterone levels, a reduction in Sertoli cells, and an increase in the number of damaged Sertoli and Leydig cells. The latter group of rats also suffered additional abnormalities.
Nonetheless, a study in the Journal of Food Science and Technology labeled soy milk as the "best alternative to milk".(*) For this reason, it is strongly recommended to avoid all unfermented soy products.
BrainTap is a brain fitness app that uses mobile devices and headsets to deliver a range of sessions that tap into different neural pathways in the brain. it’s now available at Natural Life Chiropractic. To receive a trial session, check it out here
Words of Wisdom
Catch on fire with enthusiasm and people will come for miles to watch you burn. John Wesley
No matter how far you have gone on the wrong road, turn back. Turkish proverb.
Even the wisest of doctors ae relying on scientific truths, the errors of which will be recognized within a few years' time. Marcel Proust.
Researching Chiropractic
Chiropractic clinical case histories have been a regular feature of our patient newsletter since its inception. There seem to be no limit to the
health problems that respond to chiropractic care. How many people suffering, on drugs, facing a life of limitation could be helped by chiropractic care?
Probably most of them.
Autism in a 3-year-old. The child was diagnosed of autism spectrum disorder. He had delayed developmental milestones, an inability to eat solid foods, was unable to gain weight, and had a limited vocabulary of a few words. Additionally, he had an aversion to being touched, had sleep deprivation, and suffered from constipation. Past history included a difficult pregnancy, labor, and delivery for the patient's mother. The child was fully vaccinated.
Vertebral subluxations were found upon examination and corrected by the chiropractor.
By his third chiropractic visit, he was comfortable with the doctor touching him and his parents reported that he is not usually comfortable with even his grandmother touching him. His parents reported that he had been trying to say his first words and had improvements in constipation, behavior, and sleep habits.
Adjustments continued and over a 2-month period the child continued improvements in sleep patterns, behavior, sensitivity to touch, expansion of vocabulary, constipation, and retained primitive reflexes following chiropractic adjustments. The patient continues chiropractic care. (5)
Two-year-old boy with developmental delays and otitis media. A two-year old boy was first brought in for chiropractic care because of an altered ability to crawl and developmental delays. He also had middle ear infection with effusion (OME). His birth had been traumatic and he had been fully vaccinated.
Positive responses to care began after six visits. His mother reported he began climbing a lot more and that he also had started using pronouns. He began pointing to things and tried to say the name of them. His vocabulary had exploded since beginning chiropractic care. The child's speech and movement improved after being adjusted over a two-year period. His ear infection resolved. (6)
A Five-Year-Old with Sensory Modulation Disorder and Constipation. The patient is a 5-year-old girl with a history of birth trauma, developmental delays, sensory processing, sleep difficulties and other functional disorders. The child had been fully immunized.
Following chiropractic adjustments, the patient's nervous system was able to function at a higher level, resulting in improved bowel function, mood, ability to concentrate and engage with her environment, less-fragmented more-restful sleep, improved mood, and ability to focus. (7)
Keanu Reeves working in a Deli
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Boddy AM, Fortunato A, Sayres MW, Aktipis A. Fetal microchimerism and maternal health: A review and evolutionary analysis of cooperation and conflict beyond the womb. Bioessays. 28 August 2015.
Stein, K. The value of chiropractic care in cases of pregnancy. The ACA Journal of Chiropractic, July 1964, p. 19. (3) . 3. Howe, C.A. Scientific ramifications for providing prenatal and neonate chiropractic care. ICA-MA Networker Journal, Winter 1994.
Mendelsohn, R.S. The people's doctor, A medical newsletter for consumers, 8(10), p.3.
The Contagion Myth by Thomas S. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell. Skyhorse Publishing: NY NY 2020. P. 94.
Drew R, Scupham EM. Improvement in a 3-Year-Old Boy with Autistic Spectrum Disorder Undergoing Chiropractic Care to Reduce Vertebral Subluxation: A Case Study & Review of Literature. Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic, Volume 2023 Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ Feb. 1, 2023 ~ Pages 7-13
Adams-Sajdak T, Resolution of Otitis Media & Developmental Delays Following Chiropractic Care in a Boy with Birth Trauma: A Case Study & Review of the Literature Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Chiropractic, Volume 2023 Journal of Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health, Chiropractic ~ February 21, 2023 ~ Pages 14-20
Yoshimura R, Lathrop JM. Improvement in Sensory Modulation & Functional Disorders in a Female Pediatric Patient Undergoing Chiropractic Care. Annals of Vertebral Subluxation Research. May 5, 2015, Pp 108-118.